
Happy new year 2013

        Happy new year, the first day of 2013, I have enjoyed 3 nice day holiday in my home town. Although I only stay at home and help my father do sth, I feel very joyful and happy.  3 days have gone over very fast, I must go to TB city for working. At this time I get some mixed feelings, missing everyone in my family so much, feeling desired of playing time with my siblings, now only I stay in bed with a laptop, feeling extremely lonely. Thus, I want to be out of this status as soon as possible.

       One year is over with many changes in my life, both joyful and sad events, I graduated from my university and got certificate for applying a good job, every thing was very difficult at the first time. I have ever failed in the first interview in Fu Ninh corporation company in BN city. Feeling failure of that interview, I become a stronger girl, dare to do sth, and I got success in the second interview in Nien Hsing company in TB city, I worked for this company in 7 months to get more experiences. Everything was also difficult to a person already graduated like me, I always tried best to work well and got on well with others, because the working environment was extremely complicated. Always wanting to get high salary and experience, I caught a chance to be interviewed in new company, which I am working for now. Everything is new and difficult to me, because it is English of textile, I have to learn much knowledge. Time is going over so fast that I have no time for myself. Everyday after working,still continue to doing as tutor. That is my life of one over year.

       I also had a chance to talk with one man, who could share joy & sadness with me for a long time and moreover, I was attracted by his voice, it was very nice and emotional. I could learn many good things from him. Talking with him everyday in 3 months, suddenly, he didn’t want to talk with me any more at the same time I had already got a job in TB city, I remembered that it was the saddest time I have ever had, I lived apart from my family and no one could share everything with me. I didn’t know the true reason why he didn’t chat with me anymore, but I could guess some reasons. I always respect for the other’s decision. It is just enough happy to talk directly with him twice. All of those made into my forever memory. One year is over, I become stronger and have mature thought, I hope that a new year comes, I can get more success, health and happiness, especially find a true half of my heart, with whom I can share everything in life, no need to write blog any more, hehe ...



X' Mas 2012

           Today It is truly winter, so cool, I can not wake up until 10 a.m. At weekend I just sleep the whole day in my room, or stay in bed & send messages to my friends. I haven’t shared my feelings in my blog for a long time because of my busy life. Time is over as a dream, tomorrow is noel 2012, and it means that I have lived a part from my family for nearly one year. I haven’t learned and made anything except for earning money for life. Wanting to do sth or learning more but I seems to have no time. Feeling tired and even stressed from my boss & colleagues I just want to enjoy a deep sleep after a working day. I have worked in new company for 2 months; seemingly, nothing is easy when having fighting between colleagues, thus to try best to work well and get on well with others is extremely hard. However, I will become stronger to face with it.
       I don’t know how nice noel is! Thus, I want to go out with my girlfriend in noel night because every noel I just stay at home for sleeping. Next week I continue to doing as tutor and it also is good way to treat my lazy. I haven’t learn sth for a long time, my learning plan seems to be crashed now I should refresh myself.
     X’mas to everyone !


A serious sore- eyes

            I have had red sore eyes for 3 days, it ‘s very uncomfortable when working with having sore eyes. Everyday I always take an aspirin and use eyedrops, however, it becomes more and more serious. My eye is red and swollen. When I get up every morning, it’s hard to open. This morning I go for working as usual, but so many workers in company seeing my eyes both advise me to go to hospital as soon as possible. It looks very terrible. It is the first time I have got this disease so that I also don’t know how serious it is. I feel a bit worried and scared of sth. I ask my boss for taking off a working day, and then going to see doctor immediately. They wash my eyes and give me a lot of medicine. Some workers said that in my case I have to stay in hospital for treatment in one week. Luckily, I just should take aspirin and use eyedrops with requirement. I sleep the whole day but when getting up my eyes still red and swollen, even the other eye also has sore eyes.       
              Tomorrow is Saturday, I am longing for coming back my home from at the beginning of week, because I have not returned my home for 2 weeks. However, it’s better not to come back at this weekend, so that my family will not be infected. Hopefully, I can be out of this disease as soon as possible.
 Oh my God !


A coming storm at weekend

             A working week in a new company was over, a weekend day for relaxing was coming. I didn’t want to come back my home town at this weekend, I just wanna sleep the whole Sunday in my room or go shopping with my friend. That morning I got up early because of the sound of raining outside, I could not sleep any more. I heard from my radio that TB province would be affected by a storm, which would come into Hai Phong province directly. Every one also thought this storm only went across and didn’t prepare something before its coming.
           When I worked in my new company, everyone always guessed my age much more than my real ones. I also thought that I should make myself younger and then decided to go to have my new hairstyle. Coming back my room about nearly 12 o’clock, I enjoyed lunch and had a deep seep while it was raining and having a little strong wind. When I waked up, a storm seemed to come, windy like a typhoon. No electricity, I had to use candle for reviewing new knowledge. At this time, it was heavy raining and windy outside, and terribly, having water into my room, even in my bed, on my blanket, I could not sleep all that night, because of my wet bed and the sound of strong wind. It is the second time I just seen the real strong storm in my province.
            Getting up early next morning, seeing so many trees as well as many roofs of houses fallen down, I also wanted to clean my room after a strong storm. That night I was afraid that even the roof of my room could fly any where along with the extremely strong wind. No one thought that TB also was the center of this strong storm. My room was full of water and many dirty things. I wanted to clean it right now but not have electric as well as water. It was like a place for raising pig.
          Although many other companies had to stop working because of some broken things, I still must go for working in company. Awfully, no have electricity for using in 4 days later, everywhere in TB city was covered by darkness. I also heard from my mother that in my hometown having some houses broken even my aunt’s and my kitchen.  Feeling worried about something, I wanted to come back my home right now. However, I must wait still for the weekend’s day.


My unemployed day!

      Today is the Vietnam’s woman day as well as my last working day in present company. Time passes faster than I thought. It’s 7 months over since the first day I worked there. Although I want to stop working right now, it has a deep impressive on my soul. Actually, I feel extremely sad when saying goodbye to everyone in my office especially my supervisor.
      We got both nice and sad memory when sometimes going out for relaxing together. Sometimes she felt angry with me when I make mistake or make her misunderstood about related something. In this case, my heart seems to want to find any place to hide because I’m scared of her characteristics: very strong and hot- tempered. However, she is also very comfortable in working, even I make serious mistake, she always let me have chance to work well. Let me think about sometimes going out together for relaxing even having a small accident. All make me unforgettable in life. Only is it my first job, I undergo it with many unforgettable memories in my heart. Moreover, I become experienced and matured person. Be aware of the way to work well in company, to get more experience as well as to train my skills. Before leaving, I have a small talk with her, and she gives me good advice for working well anywhere. I myself wanna give a thousand times of thank to her.
       I think that this company is the first stage of my way to get success in future. And the other stage is longing for me to join in next week. At this time, I really want more relaxing time before working in new company. In my mind rising many confused feelings, I wonder whether I should work for new company next week or enjoy relaxing week in my hometown. Perhaps, I really don’t refresh my mind to join in new company. However, I’ve already sent email to Mr. Ali that I can join in his company as soon as possible. No time for relaxing, just help my mother to crop the harvest on only Sunday. 
        On next Monday also is my first working day in new company. Promising that it’s a great challenge to me, because I have to master and learn more new knowledge and skills here. Every working day, I must join with one Bangladesh man & one Philippine lady. My second job may be give me more pressured than the first ones. However, no choice for me and I never miss any chance to improve myself even to get high salary. 
        One way is to must try best to work well as well as get more experience. I always believe in one proverb “ Nothing is impossible” “ No ended way in life”.
 Saying gud nait !


Have a small accident !

            My life still flows as usual, very quiet and boring. Just get up every morning, go for working in company and then come back for doing as tutor.  I like a busy life so that I have no time to feel sad or bored with sth in my present life. Just wanna feel relax after a hard working day, don’t want to think more. Sometimes, I often go to supermarket with my supervisor – a Taiwan woman after working in company. I ride motorbike to take her to somewhere for buying sth. Moreover, we want to go together for relaxing, also because both of us are alone. She always wants to try riding my motorbike to know whether it’s different from her ones in Taiwan or not. 
         Last time, she also tried one time and the way she rode motorbike like her characteristics: very strong and risky. She made me feel scared of occurring accident. This time we also go together to the museum and sit on a stone chair in front of it seeing everyone in a crowded street. I like the feeling when sitting quietly & seeing sth happening around us much.  A busy life still flows so fast as the waterfall of time. Nearly about 6 o’clock, it’s time for coming back soon and she also wants to ride my motorbike one more time. One old man also rides motorbike in the same direction on the road. Suddenly, he stops immediately in the middle of the street and my motorbike crashed into him. Luckily, the old man may be okie because she uses the brake in right time. Although the old man is wrong, he still says many words and forces us to be responsible for this accident even my supervisor has a painful in leg. No matter how he says anything, we continue coming back soon. 
          It is just a small accident and is my first accident since I bought my motorbike. Next time, I will not accept for her to try more and should ride more carefully. I feel extremely scared of something happens when get a serious accident. I cannot imagine how my life will become when causing a serious accident with that old man at this time.


My graduation !

Khi ta ở chỉ là nơi đất ở
Khi ta đi đất đã hóa tâm hồn !

         My present life is so busy that I have no time for learning or doing something by myself. It was about nearly one week since I got my graduation certificate, however I still want to write down some feelings after that celebration.
        Unluckily, I went to Thai in a heavy raining day and I almost could not go out for doing anything except staying at my grandmother’s home. Feeling very tired after a 180km journey from my home to Thai city, I got a deep sleep at noon. The black cloud covered the sky and it was going to rain right now. However, I still went to bookstore for buying some good English books. One hour later, it stared raining, lighting and having thunder. I was afraid of thunder much and no way to come back. I had to stay in bookstore in nearly 3 hours. Next morning I got up with my fresh feeling but it had a little rain. I visited my village, in which I had ever lived for 4 years. Many things to talk and to share with everyone, I felt extremely joyful and seemingly my student’s life turned back. It was a life with thoughtless, joyful and even difficult. This journey might have been the last time when I came to Thai city. I always wanted to do meaningful things after this journey. Thai is a boring and sad place, where at first, I extremely hate, but now it had an impressive on me with many unforgettable memories.
        On Sunday morning, I went to my university to take part in graduation celebration. Seeing my university friends, they seemed to be more growth and more beautiful. I had to wait for a long time to get my personal record because there were many students did that. I was afraid of the fact that I could not come back my home to work in the following morning. So many papers needed to signed, wait and wait for a long time, at last I got my certificate, which I was longing for 4 university years. No time to be in Thai more, I hurry to catch the coach to come back my home, although the last coach to Thai Binh was over. I became confused and did not know what I should do now. Catching a coach to Ha Noi or still stayed in Thai until the next early morning. I caught the coach with 2 stages and finally I also returned my home about nearly 10 p.m .
             It was the most awful journey I had ever enjoyed. Be extremely tired and sleepy, I still had to prepare something for going to Thai Binh city tomorrow morning. It still rained heavily in Thai Binh. I continued with my working in company and doing as tutor everyday. It just was all my feelings after that journey.